+91 8879797080 / 9223328544

Abundance Reiki is understanding what abundance truly means. We all have the birth right or I would say cosmic right for letting all kinds of Abundance fill our lives. But still, there are times when we feel there are unnecessary blocks which don’t allow us to experience the fullness of the Universal Abundance.

Abundance Reiki is an energy system where symbols release the energy of these blocks and allow you to welcome Abundance once again in your lives. There are times when we are consciously unaware of these blocks. Hence, to release them is like a heavy weight being lifted off the shoulders.

Concepts in Abundance Reiki

  • Understanding what Abundance truly means
  • Positive Thinking v/s Positive Feeling
  • The Law of Giving and Receiving and a Symbol to balance this energy in our energetic field
  • Importance of Saying Yes to Life at all the Levels of your consciousness and a symbol for same
  • Alignment of the abundance energies on all your energy levels.
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