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Do you love yourself ?

Do you love yourself ?

Do you really feel you love yourself completely? We all feel that we do. Indeed we do, but at the same time there is a lot of duality in the mind. What seems right for the heart seems to be wrong for the mind logically. Then, we start pointing out all the annoying qualities we can in ourselves. The result is the birth of duality about our own self. 

On a conscious level, we do not really understand what happens when duality dwells inside. The outcome of this is we create fears, doubts & inhibitions about ourselves. So, the next time we are trying something new, we are doubtful & fearful about it. Let’s say if you decided to start a new consultancy on HR practices, you might develop fears of whether your venture will be successful or not, will your finances be in place or not & so on.

It is hence essential not to doubt yourself. Listen to your heart & allow yourself to make mistakes. It is not a sin to make mistakes. No one is born perfect. We are all here in human bodies experiencing spirituality. To learn allows you to try new things & experiences. Even after making a mistake, it is essential to pull up our socks again without feeling any guilt or any kind of self – doubt.

 Loving yourself completely means accepting each & every bit of your existence in the truest sense. We are all here to learn & unlearn things to complete the true existence of our Soul. So, there cannot be any room for self-doubt as it is our own chosen way to reach our goals at the soul level.Image 

Let us pledge today to : I love myself & I trust myself completely.

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